
The Season of Joy

Christmas is definitely my favorite time of year. The only thing that I find lacking is that living in the south we do not get very much snow. Grant has always enjoyed that I put so much effort into making Christmas special for us. Every year, I decorate the house inside and out, bake cookies, play vinyl Christmas records, and watch Christmas movies every night. We even have a tradition of buying each other new Christmas ornaments each year. The thing he loves the most though is that I tend to be particularly cheerful during this time of year.

This has led me to consider why I am not this way everyday of the year. Why is it easier to concentrate all my joyfulness into a single month of the year? Why should my husband only get the best me during Christmas, and receive only leftovers the rest of the year? I can't be perfect, but I can be purposeful in my daily demeanor. I have found that when my spirit is supportive and peaceful, so is Grant. The simplest of actions, like hugging him just a little tighter and a little longer in the morning, can give him encouragement for his day and strengthen our marriage. Let us all challenge each other to be give our husband's the best of ourselves all year round and not just for a season.

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